Allied Academies

VATS lobectomy

VATS lobectomy

A thoracoscopy is used to view the dissection and subsequent lobectomy during a VATS lobectomy, which is characterized as the use of a 3-6 cm access incision without rib-spreading, one to three extra 1 cm ports, and these procedures. A VATS lobectomy has similar oncologic outcomes to an open thoracotomy and lobectomy, but it is less painful thereafter, requires less time in the hospital, allows patients to return to their normal activities sooner, and costs less money. The adoption of more sophisticated VATS treatments, such as lobectomy, faces several obstacles despite these benefits. These include a lack of formal education and training, the price, a lack of access to technology (especially in non-North American or Western European nations), and persistent ignorance of the procedure's oncologic benefits.

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