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Thymectomy is traditionally performed using a median sternotomy or transsternal approach, but less invasive methods now include higher partial sternotomies, transcervical approaches, video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy, and robot-assisted approaches. Functional status and pulmonary function testing should be part of the preoperative evaluation, particularly when using single-lung ventilation during thoracoscopic procedures. The thymus gland is removed during thymectomy. This anterior mediastinal organ may expand in conditions such as myasthenia gravis and thymoma, and it may also include cancerous cells in conditions such as thymic carcinoma or neuroendocrine tumors. Garre and Sauerbruch accidentally performed the first thymectomies in conjunction with thyroidectomies for Grave disease, but it wasn't until Blalock and colleagues that many series were carried out with sufficient outcomes.

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